AddonChat 7.0
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AddonChat offers four editions of Java Chat Software. Whether you need the free version to get your community started, or the Enterprise edition - a powerful, full featured chat system - we have a solution. Using the chart below, you can review and compare all of our available features and choose the one that best fits your budget and needs.
Comments (1)
The java based chat is highly customizable on the back end, but the software has not been updated in over a year and a half. This makes the chat software woefully dated when compared to others. For instance, their mobile module simply allows rudimentary browsing from a smartphone or tablet. It is not a true app and so its capabilities are extremely limited so that the module has terrible to non-existent navigation making it near impossible for users to switch rooms and take advantage of the chat features.
Customer support is also touch and go. I've experienced outages before that would last several days, especially on weekends. By the time the technicians restart servers after a failure, days have come and gone.
Also, when you ask for updates or make a complaint, the company prefers to ignore your concerns and will not return phone calls.
They will go well over 6 months before communicating with anyone about what their plans are for the future on their company forums. Half of their website is updated while the other half like their customer areas remain buggy and half finished. For example, their knowledge base and support center for their customers is riddled with problems such as quirky login forms and ticket handling.
All in all it gives one the impression that this company is run by a couple of sophomoric college students who can't be bothered looking after their company that they run out of their garages or bedrooms while working their day jobs.
The price is nice, but the headaches and lack of confidence in the company make the solution not worth the effort.